ECO Certification Award for AX The Victoria Hotel
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Well done to all the team!
Once again AX The Victoria Hotel has received the ECO certification award, given by the Malta Tourism Authority, for the next two years. This certification is the national standard for guaranteeing the environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural sustainability of hotels on the Maltese Islands and compliments a number of environmental practices that AX The Victoria Hotel has implemented over the years, in its on-going effort to safeguard the environment and enhance the Hotel’s corporate social responsibility programme.
The Hotel’s manager, Kevin Callus said “This award acknowledges the hotel’s effort to reduce its carbon footprint on our environment, reducing operational costs, expanding our corporate image and to tap into the growing market of environmentally-conscious travellers.”
Mr Callus then mentioned a number of required criteria’s which AX The Victoria Hotel had to fulfil in order to be entitled for this certification award, primarily sustainability management systems, waste management, control of chemicals, air quality and communication with customers amongst other points. A third party audit is carried out every two years to ensure that the hotels are meeting the criteria.